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WhaleAds - Macros

List of macros

This article describes our macro definition and how to use it with WhaleAds SDK. Below is a list of macros which can be used to replace it values in ad request.

Type: APP

Macro nameDescriptionValue
[tv_domain]TV Domain info where the ad requests are from;zeasn.tv; corio.com; etc.
[app_name]The application name which sends ad requests;WhaleLive, PhilipsSmartTVPortal, AOCSmartTVPortal, etc.
[bundle_id]The application ID based on IAB spec;20006184, etc.
[app_store_url]The application store URL based on IAB spec;Ex: https://www.zeasn.tv/whaleeco/appstore/detail?appid=20006184
[src_page_url]The page URL
[player_height]For video ads the page needs to specify the height of the player1920
[player_width]For video ads the page needs to specify the width of the player1080
placement of video, integer1 (In-Stream)

2 (In-Banner)

3 (In-Article)

4 (In-Feed)

5 (Interstitial/Slider/Floating)

Type: Content

Macro nameDescriptionValue
[provider_id]The unique ID of content provider within WhaleLive>                    SkuffTV, BabyBus, etc.
[channel_no]Provide the channel No of WhaleLive to advertiser1020,2081,5065,……, only for WhaleLive;
[channel_category]Provide the channel category of WhaleLive to advertiserSports, Kids, Music, etc, only for WhaleLive;
[channel_name]Provide the channel name of WhaleLive to advertiserThe boat show, Qello TV,  Karaoke, etc.
[iab_category]Provide the IAB category of channel or avod to advertiserIAB1,IAB7,IAB9-1,etc
[avod_id]The unique video ID within content provider’s library
[avod_genre]The content category of WhaleLive, which is mapped from content provider’s category within recommendation systemSports, Kids, Games, etc;
[avod_title]The content title of video from content providerThe Lion King, etc;
[oriented_age]Oriented age range of the channelA12: <12; A18:12-18;A35:18-35; A55: 35-55;A99: > 55;
[oriented_gender]Oriented gender of the channel0-Female, 1-Male, 2-(Empty)
[ssai_vendor]The vendor to insert video ads into streamingNowtilus, Amagi, Wurl, Publica,OTTera, etc

Type: Device

Macro nameDescriptionValue

Device's unique resettable ID; UUID format;The UUID standard contains 32 hexadecimal

characters presented in the format 8-4-4-4-12.

Get from Zeasn Device API or read from cookie
[tv_brand]TV's brand infoex: Philips, AOC, TCL,Haier, etc.
[cntry]TV Installation countryALPHA-2 code of country, eg: DE;NL;FR
[geo_ip_country]Geography country based on Public IPALPHA-2 code of country, eg: DE;NL;FR
[platform_id]TV firmware IDTPM176L000001;TPM186E000001;
[device_user_agent]The user agent present on the devicewill be used if SSAI
[device_ip_address]The public IP addresswill be used if SSAI
[menu_language]The TV menu language which consumers chosedENG, CHN, etc.This one will be used for targeting purpose;
[time_zone]The difference, in minutes, between date as evaluated in the UTC time zone, and date as evaluated in the local time zone-720(UTC+12) ~ 720(UTC-12)

Type: GDPR

Macro nameDescriptionValue

Used by the callee to determine whether an identifier cookie or other personal data can be set and/or used. If not present, callee should do geoIP lookup, and GDPR applies for EU IP addresses

0: No

1: Yes

[whale_gdpr_consent]Has the user consented to information sharing under GDPR

0: No

1: Yes

2: (legitimate interest), or Full IAB consent string

[relevant_ads]Whether consumers accept TOU to delivery ads; it is the same meaning of Limit ad tracking.

0: Enable targeting ads and meansurement;

1: Disable  ad tracking and measurement.

[device_dnt]Standard “Do Not Track” flag as set in the header by the browserwhere 0 = tracking is unrestricted, 1 = do not track.
[device_lmt]Limits tracking in CTV

0: does not obfuscate the user ip in outgoing requests
1: obfuscates the user ip in outgoing requests

[privacy_policy]Indicates if the app has a privacy policywhere 0 = no, 1 = yes

Type: Generic

Macro nameDescriptionValue
[rnd]random number
[timestamp]Current timestamp as random number
[ad_sdk_ver]WhaleAds SDK version1.3.3.1, etc
nonceString generated from manager.getNonce()empty;

Method to pass Macro values to the WhaleAds SDK


Method Name:  adMacroParams

Parameters: adMacroParamValues

type: Javascript Object


var adMacroParamValues = {platform_id:"value",bundle_id:"value",whale_gdpr:"value"}


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